how to warm up for Coupe du Monde
Brazil is getting a much deserved love perfectly timed before World Cup fever starts. This year Festival du Cinema Bresilien de Paris is celebrating its 16th year. Their theme is understandably « Football and Dictatorship ». Football part speaks for itself as the country embodies football as most Brazilian kids start running after ball on beaches before they can pie straight. Also the names Pele or Garincha would be enough. Dictatorship refers to Brazil suffering nearly 20 years of Military regime between 64-85. The dark years of the presence of junta gave fruits to Tropicalia movement (google this and you shall go far!) of the artists and intellectuals as well. The festival’s Gala marks the 50th year of the beginning of the Coup d’etat. A meaningful way to enjoy cinema as well as learn so much about such an enriching country.